A review by chroniclesofabookreader
Nine Kinds of Naughty by Jeanette Grey


**4.5 Stars**

Jeanette Grey's skilled writing and prose make NINE KINDS OF NAUGHTY what it is. And what it is, is an erotic story woven around two vivid characters who are magnetized to one another. Erotic because the emotions crawled out of the pages and gave substance to each scene--and it was about so much more than falling between the sheets.

The dynamic of a female boss and her male assistant at work, and the sub to her Dom outside of the office made this story fiery hot and irresistible. Dane and Lexie's relationship spun in many different ways, had to take the form of many different things, but underneath it all was their soul-deep connection. With each character inhabiting two different sides of themselves, one for work and one for home, Grey perfectly created the dance between Lexie and Dane, and the dance between each side of their own selves. In-office romances are great, but I loved the added dimension of who they were outside of the workplace and how it added another layer to them as a couple.

I haven't read the rest of the series, as this book stands on its own, but am very interested in backtracking in order to do so. Grey has a great storytelling style and characters that are poignant and real. NINE KINDS OF NAUGHTY explores the dynamics of control and carries us into a great love story at the same time--one that enraptures and gets your heart racing.

**Received an early copy via the Publisher**