A review by ohloulou
The Green Man: Tales from the Mythic Forest, by Ellen Datlow


I honestly struggled with whether to give this 2 or 3, so consider it a a 2,5
This was such a mixed bag of stories, and whilst some of them were incredible, others I really struggled to get through and couldn’t retain my focus on.
If you’re thinking you’re going to get old world magic, I would look elsewhere. A few of them do contain that take on it, and some of the modern world tellings bring the old magic in beautifully, but others seem, to me anyway, to have lost and forgotten the magic all together.

It took me way too long to work my way through this tbh, considering the length of it, but sure, pick it up if you have a weekend to yourself and nothing else immediately at the top of your to-read list. The few good ones does make it worth the read.