A review by seeingnight
Spur of the Moment by Candace C. Bowen


GENRE: Fantasy
THEME: Time Travel/ Romance
RECEIVED: from Rhemalda Publishing
BLOG: http://seeingnight.blogspot.com/

2.5 Stars

I love when authors create a character that is a writer themselves, Spur of the Moment follows a Historical Romance author who gets transported to the 12th century and finds out she actually is from that time. Though the plot was fascinating it pains me to say I just couldn’t get into the pace or characters. It missed a beat for me but please remember this is my opinion and all readers should give this book a chance. I’m changing my review a bit to get in better detail why I couldn’t get into this book.

Bronwyn Chase is a best selling author who grew up without ever knowing her real parents. Now I do have to say the beginning of the novel really pulled me into the book when Early introduced Bronwyn. There is a scene with Bronwyn dealing with a annoying man on a plan that just cracked me up. Bronwyn discovers she was born in the past, realizing why she never felt she fit in. Then starts her journey in discovering what happened to her mother, why she was sent to another time and what evil is trying to harm her fate.

Albert, he’s is such a breath of fresh air type of character. Introduced at the beginning, he is pretty much Bronwyn’s conscience. His job as her chauffer is quickly turned into a very trusted friendship that I felt her character needed. He helped her get out of a funk and guided her on her new path.

Euric is a knight whom is Bronwyn’s destined love. He is smart and really determined to protect his mother and Bronwyn at all cost. He even sacrifices himself to the villain of this story to keep everyone safe. What I call a major hero.

Bronwyn, of course was a thrill, I loved her sprit and how she really grew up through her experiences in the novel. In the beginning she was pretty timid and allowed people to walk all over her, in the end she really took charge of her life.

Unfortunately the romance was extremely rushed for my liking. I understand the whole destined part and it was more than just insta-love, it was pretty much smack in the face, they are a couple. I like more development in relationship, getting to know each other and why they are so destined to be together. But their romance still had its moments that I enjoyed especially the end.

Repetition was something that caught my eye a lot. The character keep discussing about how to fight the evil Jaenelle. Jaenelle is trying to destroy Bronwyn’s happiness with Euric and uses dark magic to get what she wants. Pretty much the action didn’t start till about half way through and then started to get a lot more interesting. It just took a little to long to get the point across.

Jaenelle, the villain of Spur of the Moment was a bit lacking to me, though don’t get me wrong this girl was pretty insane, but that was about it. I didn’t feel any impact until the end, she was more of a bully who had an evil laugh but couldn’t scare the pants off a child. I was pretty bummed about this because I really wanted to see Bronwyn kick some serious butt and have a good villain to counteract her.

Overall it was a great start and had a really interesting end that I enjoyed but the middle way too drawn out until it reached the climax. Nonetheless I look forward to more novels by Candace Early and remember this is just my opinion and reviews can differ from reviewer to reviewer.

This is an adult series that contains minor sexual content for adults and some swear words. Fans of authors Stacey Kennedy and Stephanie Julian will enjoy Candace Earlys Spur of the Moment.