A review by the_graylien
Final Crisis, by Don Ho, Tom Nguyen, Norm Rapmund, Drew Geraci, Rodney Ramos, Carlos Pacheco, Christian Alamy, Doug Mahnke, Grant Morrison, Jay Babcock, J.G. Jones, Marco Rudy, Derek Fridolfs, Matthew Clark, Walden Wong, Rob Hunter, Jesús Merino


I'd heard many, many talks, interviews, debates, etc. about "Final Crisis" before I'd read it.

I've heard somewhere that it split all of comic book fandom in half.

On one side there were those (who were presumably not fans of Morrison) saying, "This is crap! It's not fair! He's out of his mind and on drugs and he just writes down whatever craziness comes into his head and AAAARRRRRGGGGHHH!"

On the other there were those who said it was pure genius.

This almost made me afraid to read it. I only did so because I've been reading Morrison's entire Batman run lately and most folks listing that run on the ol' interwebs included "Final Crisis" as sort of an apocryphal work. I thought, "Why not? I'll include it."

While I can't really tell you how this ties into or compares to the other big "Crisis" stories of the DCU (having never read any of the rest of them), I can say that from what I've heard about them, it seems to be hinged on the same subject matter: All the heroes of the DCU, multiple Earths, multiple timelines, parallel universes, and the like.

What the book boils down to in a sentence and what is almost a paraphrase of one of the one-liners used to advertise the series is: What if evil won?

Having said that and not wanting to spoil too much, I'll say that I liked this one... a LOT. The book has almost every active character (at that time) in the DC Universe. There are things as simply entertaining as good ol' mash-it-up comic book superpowered fistfights, yet things as complex as, well, MANY parallel universes. The book had AMAZING ART. It at once defines Superman as few other books have and ennobles Batman as NO other book I've ever read has.

This one's a real treat.

If you haven't guessed, I'm on the side that thinks Morrison wove pure genius here. I hope you'll pick this one up and enjoy it as much as I did.