A review by beckiebookworm1974
Minotaur: Blooded by Naomi Lucas



4 Stars
KU Book Review
Release Date-28/8/18

There was nothing hearts and roses in any shape or form about this story; in fact, it was more in my opinion about claiming and animalistic lust.
It was also if I'm being honest a trifle strange in content, so you know what it was absolutely inevitable that I was going to bloody love this.
I adore the weird and wacky and that is definitely what we are given here in spades.
This is a strange unapologetic romp filled with bloody gore and extremely graphic and carnal copulation.
Look this is going to be an acquired taste folks a bit like marmite; love or hate it people this is one that your not likely to forget in a bloody hurry.
If your easily offended or shocked then probably better to walk on by here.
Myself being a bit of a perve I found myself a spot and immediately got comfy; immersing myself fully in this unusual and strangely hot story.
Have to say this was my first minotaur romance; I have done centaur (I loved that also; see self-confessed perve here)
But here I did surely pop my cherry in all things, Bull.
I say romance lightly here as we actually have precious little of that, this is much more raw and primal in nature than romantic overtures and heartfelt declarations.
I also didn't actually find this that dub-con in nature this to me just screamed more heavy seduction rather than rapey.
Also, this is in no shape or form bestiality either I mean yeh technically the guy has hooves and a big bull dong and even horns but the dude walks upright and can reason and talk so in my book he's hardly there chewing the cud in a field now is he.
By that token, all shapeshifter romances would be reclassified wouldnt they.
So In "Minotaur: Blooded (The Bestial Tribe, #1)" the story is relatively simple Aldora living in a border town gets herself thrown into the Labyrinth.
Vedikus a Minotaur in the ways of his people takes Aldora for his own keeping her alive from all that would do her harm (Other than himself of course) within the labyrinth.
Determining to claim her for his mate he is willing to maim and destroy anyone who dares try to take his prize away from him.
And that's it really; its actually quite a simple concept but I really did work.
So Vedikus himself did kind of grow on me and though Aldora did very swiftly accept her fate here I found I didn't have it in me to care that much, this really for me was pure unadulterated fantasy at its very best and I devoured every wicked scenario I was given gladly.
The only reason I marked this down to a four rather than a five is I would have liked to have seen a bit more of them actually settled as a couple when they reached Vedikus's home other than that I was a happy camper.
I will definitely be indulging in the next book in this series Minotaurs are now my new flavour of strange but sexy.
I borrowed Minotaur: Blooded (The Bestial Tribe, #1) with my KU subscription.
All opinions expressed here are entirely my own.


Reviewed By Beckie Bookworm.