A review by crookedtreehouse
Blackest Night: Green Lantern by Geoff Johns


There are a lot of problems with DC comics, but one that has plagued them for decades is that their Graphic Novel editorial department has always been fucken garbage. Not one of them knows how people read stories, so we get The Blackest Night event split into six or seven hardcovers, and to follow the story, you just have to read the first four pages of one book, put it down, pick up another book, read twenty pages, put it down go grab a third book and read fifty pages, then go back to the first book for a few more pages.

Not once in the history of their company has one of them thought to just put out collections that tell the stories in the order they happen. Instead of Blackest Night, Blackest Night Green Lantern, Blackest Night Black Lantern Corps One, Blackest Night Black Lantern Corps Two, Blackest Night Tales Of The Corps, Blackest Night Rise Of The Black Lanterns, and Blackest Night Green Lantern Corps, just have Blackest Night volumes 1-7. It's okay if Green Lantern's main series issues are split amongst all the books. Nobody is reading just the Blackest Night Green Lantern book because it's an incoherent mess if youre not reading all the other books.

This book is a jumble of scenes from across the storyline with various effectiveness and weight. And between each chapter is a description of what has happened in the other books between chapters, and it's always a more interesting story than what's in this collection.

It's as if nobody on their editorial reads or understands basic narrative storytelling.

And if you've read some of their other books, they also don't really know how to layout the books. The images go too far into the gutters, but leave plenty of room in the external margins. It's not as awful in this collection as it is in some of the Batman books I've read in the last few years, but it's not professional quality. Certainly not what the second most famous comic book company should be willing to put out.

I guess if you're reading all of Blackest Night you have to read this but good luck keeping track of what happens when.

Geoff Johns should have enough clout at this point to ask them to rerelease this event in its logical, chronological order.