A review by librarycutie
A Thousand Pieces of You by Claudia Gray


Can I just point out that this cover is Oh so Gorgeous, I could cry. Is the bottom supposed to be russia, and the top her home?? Maybe, Maybe..

Okay, I was to read this book for The Elite Readers book club, and I got too distracted by netflix that It took me a while to read this. The first 100 pages were boring me, and taking forever to get past. I was wanting the excitement. When Marguerite finally landed in a dimension where she is a duchess in Russia, It finally got good. Lieutenant Markov is my favorite, He was so sweet and careful and protective! It was a shame what happened...

All through-out this book I was over-whelmed and completely confused! I was wondering what what happening, why it was happening and what the hell was going to happen next. Paul Markov is said to be Professor Caine's murderer, but oh, wait, guess again... It was like a never ending mystery almost, and sometimes a bit cliche with the triangle romance. So, she had sex with a Paul from the Russia dimension, and started falling for a different dimension Theo that she thought was her Theo, like she had dibs or something... But didn't want to get all close with her dimension Paul because of the sex with Russian Paul. You see how I was utterly confused through this story.

Something else that I just didn't like at all. Through the first 80 pages or so, Marguerite wants to KILL Paul Markov for allegedly being responsible for her fathers death. She had been saying all through-out those 80 pages or so how she would kill him without hesitation or regret. She gets the chance, an opening, and she hesitates. Does nothing. I AM FRUSTRATEd At YOU MARGEURITE!

I love the idea of Dimension traveling, but there was so much happening at once that my mind came so close to shutting down for the night. Triad wanted to use the invention to spy on other dimensions, I still don't know why. And the fact that one dimension was almost exactly the same freaked me out, why did they choose that dimensions Marguerite?

I give it a solid 3 stars because I loved the creativity and imagination. There was about 4 dimensions (5 if you count Meg's current "home" dimension) and the Russia one was my favorite, It was the one that stood out and was more unique, to me. I give Claudia Gray a clap on the back for the dimension idea and being able to keep up with what was happening and how to fit it all together, how it all came falling to place in the end. *slow clapping gradually fast clapping* I didn't expect to enjoy it from the first 100 pages, but after that, it gets exciting and interesting and finally grabs your attention!

Also, It urked me how Marguerite lead on both Paul and Theo, it wasn't cool of her to do that. They're both sweet in their own way. I personally choose Paul, but she shouldn't have lead poor Theo (the one in her dimension) on.

I didn't like the ending. It was too happy for me, the reunion was nice, but I guess the cliffhanger was us wondering what happened to the Theo in the last dimension, right?