A review by sydneyjacques
Hamnet by Maggie O'Farrell


People are singing the praises of this book to the stars.
I hated it.
The prose was unique and insightful - at first. Then it became self-indulgent. After an entire page describing the one emotion of one character (who I didn't care for, to begin with) I just wanted it to be over.
It would be literally impossible to spoil the plot of this book because nothing happens. The synopsis pretty much covers it. Basically, relationships fall apart because nobody communicates with one another. Which felt dumb. I can't tell you how many times I muttered, "that was stupid," while reading this.

HOWEVER, this book did a great job depicting the superstition in this time period. That was done really well.

I was going to give it two stars because I occasionally liked the writing, but decided that's a little generous considering the distaste I feel for this book.