A review by zeydejd
Rachel & Leah by Orson Scott Card


Holy crap was this the worst book I've ever read in my life. And not just the worst book by Orson Scott Card - no, the worst book I've EVER read. I cannot even handle how sexist Card is. I was expecting a level of sexism throughout this series, given it's based on the Bible, but Card takes it to a whole other level that infuriates me. I'm almost shaking as I type this, I'm so mad. ALSO! Whoever wrote the f---ing book jacket better not ever run into me, because I will tear him or her (guessing it's a guy) apart SO badly, they will never be able to reassemble themselves. Part of the jacket says "These were no modern women, and their lives were recorded as part of a holy book. But you know them all the same. The joys and burdens of a woman's life have not changed that much over the generations." WHAT. I'm sorry, WHAT?? Really???? The joys and burdens of women's lives haven't changed that much from the joys and burdens of women's lives IN THE BIBLE???? Oh right, I forgot that nowadays it is every woman's joy and burden to marry and bring loads of sons to her husband. How could I forget that childbirth is my biggest joy and burden?? I've never raged so much after reading a book in my entire life. After finishing Rachel & Leah, I can comfortably say that I will be removing the rest of the Card books I have on my 'to-read' list and that I will not be reading another work by him unless it's Ender Game and those books related to Ender's Game. Those are truly the only works of his even worth glancing at.