A review by kidisitor
Lock by Debra Anastasia


Dark and desperate. Ember got herself into a life altering, and life threatening situation at no fault of her own. In fact, she's where she is more so because of who she is, or more precisely who her brother is. This is the third book in the Mercy series. Book one features Mercy/Nix, Ember's brother. Book two features his best friend/most trusted ally and partner in their business partner, Havoc/Animal. You do not need to read those to follow this book, but you will want to to better understand the characters and their mind set. The 'Hero' of this book, is a new character. He's young, and while he has a good heart, his family situation forces him to involve himself with some unsavory people. He hates what he has to do, but it brought him to Ember. A shining light in his life. There is a lot of bad that happens in this book. Lots of innocent (and some not so innocent) victims. Plenty of violence. The sexual content is limited, but there. This story is more about survival then anything else. What you are willing to do/risk and not only for your own survival, but that of your loved ones. There is some heartache, but not all from whom you'd expect. There are some twists and turns. Some good and some bad surprises. It's a well thought out story. Well written. It alternates between several POVs. A lot of heavy thoughts, that will have your mind running after you put the book down.

*I received an ARC of this book.