A review by elizabethsprettylittlereads
Fables & Other Lies, by Claire Contreras


“I’ll settle for living inside of you. Deep in your bones. You’ll always feel me there, with every breath you take.”

What did I even read?! This was a story I had NO IDEA I needed, and I feel like anything I say will not do it justice. I also don’t want to give anything away because I literally went into this book blind. I read the words “Gothic Romance” and was like...”okay, let’s give this a try.” BEST DECISION EVER! And this is coming from one of the world’s biggest scaredy-cats, so don’t let the word “gothic” discourage you. This book was magical!

I reveled in the mystery, uniqueness, and pure romance between Penelope and River. Seriously. We can chalk it up to me being an emotional reader, but I teared up a few times and I wasn’t expecting it.

The entire world building, history, and the forbidden edge made Fables & Other Lies one of the most enthralling books I’ve read all year. I highly recommend it if you’re looking for something a little “different” to read. I LOVED IT SO MUCH!