A review by ederwin
The Incal, Book 1: Orphan of the City Shaft by Mœbius, Alejandro Jodorowsky, Igor Baranko, Justin Kelly, Zoran Janjetov


It is driving me crazy to try to figure out where this USA version fits in the original series. Does all of it come from [b:Before the Incal|16255046|Before the Incal|Alejandro Jodorowsky|https://images.gr-assets.com/books/1500033316s/16255046.jpg|1505834] ? or is some of it separate. Anyone know? {Update: It seems that all the content comes from 'Before The Incal', but the order of some sections is changed.}

Also, the bird that only says "Croot". Was that created before or after the creature from US comics that always says "I am Groot"? Google isn't helping!

Apart from those questions driving me crazy, there is some good stuff in this comic. A sarcastic future dystopia not unlike "Transmetropolitan". The art and some other ideas inspired all sorts of things including "Star Wars" and "The Fifth Element". I think I'll need to read more of the series.