A review by booksandladders
Liars and Losers Like Us by Ami Allen-Vath


Disclaimer: I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.
I'll have my full thoughts up as part of Sunday Street Team!
WARNING: There is suicide mention and a full blown panic attack in this, which can be triggering for some people! Please be cautious while reading this, friends.

This was a really good read. Allen-Vath can WRITE, that's for sure. And she does so in a way that not only feels realistic but tells the story in a way that you want to read it. There were some pacing things I wasn't a fan of, as I thought part of it dragged a little bit. However, this didn't take away from my overall enjoyment of the story. The other thing was that there were some characterizations that left a bit of a bad taste in my mouth when it came to how Bree described other girls (and while it was realistic, it was still a little eh). I liked that I went into this expecting a light-hearted contemporary novel but that Allen-Vath gave us something so much more than that. I think the change was one that everyone needs to read. It is nice to have a light, fluffy contemporary novel, but it is also great to have something that has a bit more to it than that. And if nothing else, reading the last 10% made the whole book worth it.

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