A review by jesssika
The Immortal Rules by Julie Kagawa


Allie, Stick, Rat, and Lucas are fighting to survive in the fringes of a society that’s been decimated by red lung, food shortages, rabid vampires, and vampire masters. This world is strange, deadly, and made for the survival of the fittest. The opening is Allie at the hanging of some kids who were caught stealing food. Because they haven’t been marked as cattle for the master vampires, they’re killed for it. Only those branded are given food tickets, and even they have a hard time not starving.

Allie, however, is determined to survive. So, she finds herself rummaging outside the city walls for some food. After slipping by a rabid deer, she finds food that will keep her and her gang fed through the upcoming summer. After some mishaps, she gets back into the city and gets the gang to come back with her. However, after they stuff their faces with some of the food, they make a break for it. Rabids are faster, and Allie watches as one by one they’re killed. It’s down to her and Stick. She makes a life changing decision to draw the rabids away from stick so he can get away. This is where in steps Kanin.

I loved the first part of this book, all the way up until Allie decides to step away and hold onto a part of the past. From here on, she’s a problem waiting to happen, and she whines throughout the rest. I couldn’t stand that all she did was whine even though Kanin always made her choice perfectly clear. Her, as a protagonist, was terrible. The ending is left open seeing as how this is the first in a series. I don’t think I can go on with the series unless the perspective switched to Kanin or someone else other than Allie.