A review by nietzschesghost
Savage Gods by Peter Boland


Savage Gods is the fourth instalment in the John Savage Action Thriller series and is another superb addition to this high-octane saga. Each book just keeps getting better. I have to mention the tag line - “he only kills atheists” - if this doesn't pique your interest then nothing will. As an atheist but someone who enjoys reading about religion and theology, this is a perfect thriller. John Savage, a former SAS member currently suffering from PTSD and his intrepid colleague Iranian master hacker Tannaz return to investigate when a group of atheists are targeted; initially only those who create havoc by being outspoken against the Christian faith and by not respecting the right for others to believe were on the perpetrator's hitlist but it now appears that the goalposts have been moved. This tale is bigotry at its finest. With both atheism and Christianity having so many who subscribe to their ideologies what are the chances of finding the needle in the haystack and capturing the responsible party before more hurt can arise?

This is a topical, tense and utterly riveting thriller with the age-old battle between those who have faith and those who don't right at the forefront, with both groups believing themselves to be correct. The murders are violent and disturbing showing the pure hatred felt by the killer when committing the crime and highlighting the danger of religious intolerance. It's nail-biting from the very beginning and doesn't stop short when it comes to providing explosive action, plenty of pulse-pounding moments and a gobsmacking conclusion. This is even more of a page-turner than the previous three instalments and is an absolute must-read for crime connoisseurs who enjoy their action fast and hot. I could gab on and on but I would hate to give anything away as this is the type of book where it is beneficial to go in blind. It isn't necessary to have picked up the preceding novels before you embark on this one as it stands well on its own, however, I can almost guarantee you will be doing so after this. Highly recommended. Many thanks to BOTBS for an ARC.