A review by threeseagrass
The Fall of Butterflies by Andrea Portes


3 stars.

But I also want that nagging desire, that compulsion, to stop. Just stop. Just fucking stop. Stop tugging me, telling me I have to be more, I have to do something or I’m worthless, or I’m nothing or I’m nobody.

Have you ever seen that movie Thirteen? Well this book is basically that, except with sixteen year olds and a convenient boarding school situation. Willa and Remy are two kind of bad ass girls who find one another at boarding school. And they get mixed up in a whole lot of shit.

Here’s the thing. I did like this book even though I think it’s kind of been done before. Both Remy and Willa were interesting characters with interesting backgrounds. I honestly think it was the writing style that ruined it for me. Someone please explain why authors are now using HASHTAGS!? Is this what writing has come to? Even though I liked Willa as a character, there were so many times where I just couldn’t stand being inside her head. That made the difference between a 3- and 4-star read.

This is a depressing book in the way that it is written. But it also shows that there is always a light in dark places. Unfortunately, that light in this story completely blotted out the dark space that I wanted to know more about. Remy’s appearance in Willa’s life resulted in a complete 180, with was out of character for Willa in my opinion since she had just gone on and on about how she wanted to kill herself. And suddenly someone walks into her life and that urge is just gone? I kind of wish the author had played with this a bit more, and Willa could have made up her mind after cultivating this important friendship with Remy.

I have to say though, I really liked the ending. If you’re looking for a happily ever after, look elsewhere. I am SO glad the author didn’t decide that all was merry and well in the end. No, this ending is more reminiscent of real life – something I really appreciated.

Overall, a solid 3 star read.

I received an advanced review copy of this book from Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review