A review by mjfmjfmjf
Stuck in the Middle: 17 Comics from an Unpleasant Age by Ariel Schrag


Another book I read for being on the 100 most challenged books from 2010 to 2019. Kind of a tough book. It aimed to be unpleasant and it mostly was - though not bad. The art and writing were basically fine - though obviously different from writer to writer. The aim of the book is to show the normality of awfulness in middle school, and for this it basically succeeds. But should it be in a middle school library? Well huh, I guess that kind of depends. Perhaps if profanity would get you expelled? It is a book like this sitting in the low shelves in the graphic novel section of a public library that causes me some confusion. I have no issue with it being available from the library via a holds system. But I'm thinking that if a younger person wants to read this, they should be able to. But I don't think it is intended to be enjoyed.