A review by secre
King's Folly by Sabrina Flynn


Note: Adult fantasy with frequent sexual references and scenes. Not young adult.

This was a huge improvement on the first book both in consistent quality and pace. There is little doubt that danger is always lurking in the background here and that allows for a remarkable amount of character development. Flynn shows a deft hand at introducing new characters and building old throughout, and not just with the core three you would expect. Those least expected show spines of steel and hearts of gold.

I have to admit, I'm a tad creeped by the relationship between Isiilde and Marsais... the age, maturity and experience gap made me shudder a bit every time. It feels like a mentor taking advantage, even though I understood her choosing him. After all, every nymph once had a druid... but come on, the druids didn't sleep with them! That is specifically stated! I did however enjoy both the characterisations and the contentious relationship of Oenghus and Acacia thoroughly.

I suspect this could be merged with the first novel to make an excellent book, rather than one mediocre and one good novel. The first could condense the first three quarters and this condense the sex scenes. The author certainly shows her talent here; both the world building and the characterisations are exceptionally well done, then on top of that there is a real sense of pace and action here. I certainly enjoyed it - far more than the first, and I will be moving to the third.