A review by my_booklove
Everlost by Brenda Pandos


To be honest, I skipped the middle of this book. I really didn't like it, and here's some of why.

1. It was a TOTALLY different style. Going to 3rd person, mainly focused on Tatiana, as opposed to 1st person switching from Finn to Ash and back, was a total shock. It didn't flow as well.

2. You went back in time. You went from Finn and Ash going to Natatoria straight to Tatiana after the promise. Again, it didn't flow right. Especially when I, as a reader, was stuck on Fin and Ash and didn't want to leave them. I would've suggested Brenda merged this book into the last, adding chapters from Tatiana and Jacob in parallel to chapters from Fin and Ash. This way, the book could've lead up to the battle. The next book could've been the battle and how they fixed up Natatoria, who took rule, etc. I think it would've worked better.

3. A whole new cast of people were introduced, and only one or two old members were involved. Again, a total shock. You get stuck on characters, and this book didn't fit with the other ones.

4. I got bored. Was not gripping, and took me many hours of PROCRASTINATING before I read. That's unheard of for me, I procrastinate BY reading, not procrastinate to stop reading. Ugh.

Overall, not a great finish to a series I loved and previously devoured. To be honest, Im gonna pretend this book doesn't exist and the series will finish after book 2.

Sorry to burst someone's bubble, these are my thoughts and if you don't agree that's fine. Please don't let my review stop you from reading this book, it's just my honest thoughts.

Gravity by Sara Barellis