A review by ssejig
Old Lover's Ghost by Zenith Brown, Leslie Ford


"It was Cecily Chapman’s extraordinary grandmother who insisted on that three-day pack trip from her ranch into Yellowstone Park. Perhaps the idea hadn’t occurred to her, originally, that once we were there, somebody was bound to push George Pelham into a boiling geyser hole. … It certainly did the rest of us, my seventeen-year-old son Bill, myself, Grace Latham, and Joe Anders the wrangler-guide to say nothing of the camp cook and practically all the horses."
Thus begins Grace Latham's trip in Yellowstone. She travels from the south of the park up to the Lake Hotel with a group that includes the redoubtable Mrs. Chapman, the woman who doesn't want George Pelham to marry her granddaughter. She's on to his tricks and is willing to do as much as possible to make sure that the two won't marry. Of course, since Cecily's true love, Steve Grant, is dead, it's not like there's anyone to stand in the way. But when the group meets both George Pelham's brother-in-law as well as Steve Grant when they get to the Lake area, confusion abounds and it's no more worrying than when George Pelham ends up dead with no shortage of suspects.