A review by danaisreading
Go Tell the Bees That I Am Gone by Diana Gabaldon


Almost a thousand pages long, and the first third can skipped over without missing anything. The only thing that happened was
Spoiler a VERY minor character was killed by a bear.
Even if an editor had done the job of tightening this book up, it still would have taken me a long time to read. Something about Gabaldon's writing style makes it impossible for me to read at my normal pace, but I don't know what it is.

I love Outlander. I do. The first two novels of the series are ranked fairly high among my favorite novels. But, and what I'm about to say is blasphemous, the most boring parts of Book 9 were with Jamie and Claire at Fraser's Ridge. Sure, the last 50 pages were exciting and nerve-wracking as the Revolution finally comes to Fraser's Ridge, but the rest? Meh.

Roger, Bree, William, Lord John, and Young Ian take up the majority of the novel, and honestly that's all that it needed to be. Might have saved us all half the pages and several years of waiting for this.