A review by imjustmea
Vanished by Joseph Finder


With his novel Vanished, Joseph Finder introduces the character of Nick Heller a private spy who served with the U.S. Army Special Forces. In this first instalment Nick is dealing with the disappearance of his older brother Roger who vanishes after his wife is attacked. Nick faces the task of protecting his sister-in-law and nephew while uncovering the circumstances of his brother's disappearance. The more he uncovers the more he realizes that his brother is living a double-life. This fast-paced book leads readers into the grey area where governments and private contractors work in, in other words, the money-making side of war.

Our hero is intelligent, tough, loyal and seems to follow his own code of honour. He can also be funny, charming and a smartass when the situation calls for it. Like any great character there's conflict in his background. His father is in jail for fraud and grand larceny after embezzling millions of dollars and his once close relationship with his brother is now rocky.

Vanished is an enjoyable action-packed read filled with interesting characters. I'm glad I decided to read it before reading the ARC I got of Buried Secrets. the next book by Joseph Heller featuring Nick Heller private-spy extraordinaire.