A review by zuzubaloox
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory by Roald Dahl


After Willy Wonka declares that he is opening his factory, after years of being seemingly closed, to five lucky children, Charlie hopes that he gets a winning golden ticket - despite his family being poor. Will Charlie be one of the lucky five? And what will he witness in the chocolate factory?

I found this book to be boring. It is quite preachy in nature, and although it is supposed to be about a chocolate factory, a huge portion of the book is used to describe the humiliation and maiming of young children. TV watching is made to be a bad thing and children should wile away their days reading.

The children, aside from Charlie who is poor, are described and made out to be spoilt rotten brats. Four of the children depict sins - Augustus being gluttony, Veruca being greed, Violet is pride and Mike is sloth. It is indicated that each child deserves the outcome they got because of how they are, and despite whether it permanently alters them, it will change them for the better. I'm not sure how it's supposed to change them for the good because there's no real epiphany, no aha moment where theyre shown their wrongs, just maiming, and even then they walk away with a lifetime supply of sweets and chocolate.

The long-drawn-out songs from the Oompa-Loompas was tedious and actually quite boring. They were so long and not at all a pleasure to read.

It's very strange how Grandpa Joe has been stuck in bed for 20 years with three other people, is all but skin and bones and is 96 and a half years old but he can leap out of bed and still run. After 20 years of lying in bed, I'd be very surprised if Grandpa could stand let alone do anything of the rest of the things he does.

Maybe it's just a book that doesn't age well, or maybe it's just a boring book, but the only really interesting aspects of the book are the descriptions of the factory and its numerous, delightful delicacies being made - some sound delicious like that chocolate lake and the chocolate tv, whilst others sound disgusting like the chewing gum that has the taste of a three-course meal.