A review by mbpartlow
Struck By Lightning: The Carson Phillips Journal by Chris Colfer


If you love witty snark, you'll love this book.

If you don't enjoy sarcasm, don't pick it up. Run away. Run far away, from all of us who believe sarcasm is our first language.

I haven't seen the movie. Hadn't even heard of it, despite the eye rolling from my resident teens.

But this was goofy. And self aware in a way I wish I'd been in high school. Although I wouldn't have wanted the bitterness, the rigid refusal to give anyone a second chance. Yeah, his classmates were shitty to him, but he paid it back in spades.

Despite that, the glimmers of growth make you root for this guy, even if he's usually a douche-canoe.

The ending. I thought it was perfect, but I'm old and jaded and shit. A lot of people are going to get to the ending and throw the book across the room, yelling "what the hell, man? What the hell!" But there really is no other way this story could end that would be as emotionally and as cosmically satisfying.