A review by mojoshivers
Dark Horse by Gregg Hurwitz


If there are such things as bottle episodes for books series, this would be it. It was a clear one-off adventure but it still managed to feel important in the overall development of Evan and his associates/family.

I'd even go so far as to say that the "main" plot of helping out a Cartel leader with a heart of gold get his wayward daughter back and earn him a little more redemption, is less the "A" storyline and more the "B" storyline. I mean, yeah, it had all the gunplay and traditional action/adventure elements, but it felt less central to the book as a whole.

Much more pressing was Mia's seizure and subsequent surgery, as well as Joey's entreaty for independence. That felt more in keeping with Orphan X's development into a well-rounded person, one more capable of separating what he does for a vocation from who he is as a person. Those two plot elements felt like what the book is centered around, the idea of The Nowhere Man becoming more part of a unit as opposed to a lone wolf.

Overall, an excellent book.