A review by westernskynaida
Electric Idol by Katee Robert


Another book that took me a while to read, only this time because I don’t do “spicy” very well and I desperately needed to spread this out (even if spreading this out was reading it in two sittings because I didn’t want to stop)

Just like Neon Gods, this really starts off quick and just picks up as the story goes on. Eros was so adorable when he was flustered and it was great to see how his and Psyche’s relationship evolved throughout the book

It really took me until the end to realize who Aphrodite reminded me of and I damn near threw my book because of how I should have realized it sooner -  not mad about how she was written, because Mother knows best. God that line makes me shiver even now

If you liked Neon Gods, definitely pick up this next book