A review by claudia_is_reading
Enthralled by A.H. Lee


Oh, I loved to see Merek again! I really liked him in [b:Putting the Romance in Necromancy|52874420|Putting the Romance in Necromancy|A.H. Lee|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1585772397l/52874420._SY75_.jpg|79115054] and he didn't disappoint me here. Au contraire, I finished the book loving him a lot more :D

He's such an endearing character! And I adore Pumpernickel and Master Wiggles *laughs* I'm only sorry that we didn't get to know Ian better.

Delightful, intriguing and with a lovely future for Merek, what else could we ask for?