A review by shahrun
Hidden Figures: The Untold Story of the African American Women Who Helped Win the Space Race by Margot Lee Shetterly


This book is such an important one because it not only educates, but opens your mind to possibilities. History isn't just the white man did this, that and the other. And it's time the whole world recognises that. Anybody who can make a contribution, should be given the freedom to explore their abilities and achieve their true potential. Just think of how much better the world would be if the genuine best were allowed to blossom and find out what they are capable of! Every human being is being cheated if history is not accurately and honestly recorded.

In these pages you will find a collection such amazing and inspiring women! Considering the technical nature of the work they did, I didnt feel it bogged down the story and kept their work accessible to the masses. I really appreciate the author giving historical background cleverly woven into the narrative. So I got a picture of both where the USA was at and how it fit on the worlds scale at the time.

We also got a real sense of the women because the author managed to find the person behind the work and achievements. How lucky is she that she got to personally meet many of the people who's stories she has recorded here. She also included stories of white women and the men (black and white too) that worked at Langley at the time, to give a real rounded and balanced story.

It wasn't 100% perfect for me, I did get a little confused as we were dipping in and out of the different women's lives. And I was so disappointed there were no pictures!!! Although I do love the cover. I felt the book could have benefited from a time line to summarise the dates and facts? As this book was small and intense. Over all what an outstanding achievement - especially as a first book! I'm going to have to do some private research (happily aided by very comprehensive acknowledgements, notes & bibliography provided).

I find it really heartbreaking to read about the segregation. And despite all that black people did achieve and wanted to do so.