A review by girlwithherheadinabook
The Clown Service by Guy Adams


Toby Greene is told within the early pages of this novel that 'If the Security Service is the The Circus, then Section 37 is where we keep the clowns'. After one screw up too many, that is exactly where Toby is headed. Guy Adams' novel is like Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy crossed with Fringe in the style of Jasper Fforde. Toby finds himself in the department that everyone would rather forget, he is charged with defending Britain from paranormal terrorism. His new boss and sole colleague is August Shining, a dapper gentleman who has been working cases since the Cold War. Naturally enough, within days all hell breaks loose and Toby will have to work hard to save London from a threat that he is still struggling to believe in.

My full review can be found here: http://girlwithherheadinabook.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/review-clown-service-guy-adams.html