A review by kittylew
Run Away Charlotte by H.M. Shander


I'm apparently in the minority with disliking this book. While I understand it's emotionally heart-wrenching, I actually found Charlotte to be weak and kind of stupid. I honestly really struggled with this book. Charlotte is weak and dependent. Someone is always carrying Charlotte to bed or babying her.

There also was a lot of crazy, dramatic, and dangerous things that happen to Charlotte that just seemed over the top. And the story seems to take forever to progress. I found typos throughout the novel and a character was called by a different name (Lloyd is later called Larry). The majority of the story revolves around her relationship with Andrew, which got a little boring and repetitive - I get it, they kiss passionately and it makes her weak in the knees every time. Only the last 10% involve another guy and her deciding between the two. I disliked Andrew's character, he seemed aggressive or jealous right from the start. Maybe possessive?


DO NOT read this if you don't like reading about abuse - rape, abusive parents, and drug abuse are all present in this novel. After being raped, Charlotte continues to push Andrew away and instead starts dating someone and ends up pregnant. And when Charlotte finally wants to be with Andrew, he only spends time with her when it's convenient for him. He totally doesn't treat her like he's been head over heels in love with her. Then they end up just being friends with benefits. I know I should've sympathized more with Charlotte, but I found her weak and stupid.