A review by pinknoface
The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms by N.K. Jemisin

Did not finish book. Stopped at 8%.
Just wasn't doing it for me, it just trows you in the world without any explanation of anything. Tried to get past the fist 50 pages because in a fantasy book those are always boring, but I couldn't, was bored and confused at the same time. I love high fantasy, but the author has to explain what is going on or the world falls flats, the character mentions tribes but how I'm supposed to know what any of that means if I don't have an explanation of what it is, oh I look like I'm from that tribe, that doesn't mean anything if you don't explain how usually people look, I don't even know what the cast looks like because the explanation wasn't there you were just supposed to know. Very confusing. Good concept, mediocre execution.