A review by annorabrady
We Unleash the Merciless Storm by Tehlor Kay Mejia

Did not finish book. Stopped at 43%.
As much as I loved the first book, this one fell completely flat for me. The character's actions don't make sense for the backstory we've been told of them both in this book and the previous book. And Carmen's "I'm going to throw everything away for love" makes no sense with who she's already been established to be. On that same thread, the whole "could she love a killer" thought process doesn't make sense with the establishment of the narrative that Carmen has already killed *many* people. 

I also don't understand how she's supposed to have had regular contact with the resistance (seemingly multiple times a week) during the years leading up to this book and she didn't know about the changes in the group or how/when they happened. 

I like the idea of trying to establish resistance as more than just violence. However, I think there are better ways to establish that narrative without making Carmen into an impulsive, fool-hearty character who will do anything for love except sit still long enough to see a plan through.