A review by teriann81
Beautifully Scarred by P. Rayne


WOW when Piper Rayne they were going dark, they were not joking. This was not at all what I was expecting from the writing team. This was dark, gritty, has themes that are not at all the adorable contemporary books we’ve come to love.
Lilah and Jimmy are childhood best friends. Jimmy has always been Lilah’s protector, her rock and has always had love for his best friend. Lilah coming from a very broken abusive home , Dealing with her own struggles and addiction she knows that she can only give so much to Jimmy. The friendship finally starts to turn into a little more and then the ultimate betrayal happens.
6 years later is what I love to call The Age of Lilah. Man, this girl turns herself around, she still has her struggles but she’s thriving, stunning, healthy and the growth of her character is beyond anything I was expecting.
There wasn’t much to Jimmys growth but he kind of already had it together – I wasn’t mad at it. I really liked him as a character, wished he was a little less stubborn but there always comes a point where you wonder if you love someone so much that its hurting you.
I loved that P.Rayne put those tough situations out there. Struggling through addictions, loving someone with an addiction and of course the off page child abuse. These are all very real very dark issues and I feel like they did such a great job with them.