A review by amdame1
Personal Effects by E.M. Kokie


Matt is in big trouble at school - although it is understandable once you realize that his brother died fighting in Iraq. It's quickly obvious that both Matt and his dad are still grieving and neither one of them is handling it well. But, dad especially, refuses to face facts and is keeping Matt from being able to move forward in the process. When all of TJ's personal effects are delivered to their house, Matt defies everyone in his quest for some answers to his pain even if it means failing school, pissing off his dad, and losing his best friend.

I would not have guessed that this was a debut novel. It is well-written and insightful. There is a LOT of swearing, especially the f-bomb, some violence. I'd steer it toward high school for sure and some savvy 8th graders.