A review by hayo
Ghost Fleet: A Novel of the Next World War by P.W. Singer


So this looks like a novel written by defense analysts. By the writing style, probably their first shot at fiction. It reads well enough (finished in 2 days), but it has some problems.

It does read like a policy paper, or more like a blog post. The story is basically divided up into small posts on technology the authors like or dislike, and proceed to put that technology in the situation where they see it prevail or fail. It must feel good to write it like this, and not to have to quote numbers or other things for a change.

The plot is flimsy, the pretext for war ridiculous. The bad guys are almost cartoonish. There is no character development. But it's a fun, comical read for anyone up to speed on the latest defense-tech gossip. So 5 points for fun, 1 point for the actual writing.