A review by dlparrott
Alphas of Danger, by Mari Carr, Kym Grosso, Anissa Garcia, Jenna Jacob, Kris Cook, Isabella LaPearl, Carrie Ann Ryan, Kennedy Layne, Shayla Black, Lexi Blake


   Devoted to Wicked by Shayla Black
What a way to start this book out. Karis was on vacation when her things get stolen. Wow, i would have a mental breakdown if that was me. Now when she sends for help they send the one man she is trying to get away from. She believed circumstances instead of talking to him. So too much time was wasted. What can I say it's a woman thing. I have to say that this short was a full length. Like I feel like I missed the whole story. But for being a short it's packed full with great things.

    Countdown by Lexi Blake

 I will be honest I didn't care for Maggie/Kenzie at first. I felt she was just a bit to cocky and made Americans seem ridiculous. She slowly started to grow on me when she and Ben was put in a life or death situation. Now Ben I loved from the get go. He was a sweetheart. I can totally see them as a power couple bringing together the Canadian and United States intelligence agencies. Now that would be an amazing book worth every penny.

      Power Struggle by Mari Carr

Okay i had a slight problem with this book. I loved the second chance aspect of this book. Bree was it for Carter but he realized that to late. Now that she is back he will do whatever it takes to get her back. Now that is a cute story. But with this one there is a little kinky factor. Now with my kinkiness I need a Dom and a Sub. Not to Doms/Alphas battling it out for that role. It didn't get me going like others by this author does. It's still a great short story for this Anthology don't get me wrong. Just not one i would read on its own.

      CIA Covert Team: Rainbow Knights by Kris Cook

 This is a M/M short. I am usually not a fan of M/M or F/M/M books but there was something about this short story that was so darn cute and sexy at the same time. Drake and Chance are on the same team and just so happen to be ex lovers. Chance wanted more from Drake. The next step in the relationship. I mean who wouldn't. Drake not so much. I didn't like how he hid behind the team. That its against the rules. I felt he could have came up with a less cliched excuse. But when the mission goes south I was on the edge of my seat reading as fast I could to see what happens next. I just couldn't get enough of them and this team. They were amazing.

   With A Vengeance by Anissa Garcia

I loved Olivia but at times I wanted to strangle her. Especially for the way she was treating Jake and he need to find out what happened to her roommate. This book had me on pins and needles waiting to see If she gets her vengeance or not. Jake I knew he was up to something i just didn't know what. Just when i had this figured out the author through a curveball at me that i was so happy about.

  Hard Asset by Kym Grosso

This short is just 3 chapters but what chapters. Not only are they packed full with secrets and lies but it also has to do with Evan and Raine trying to protect each other. Raine had secrets but expected Evan to just trust her. Yeah right lady. I rolled my eyes a few times while she tried to explain herself without explaining herself. It was actually kind of funny. Evan was just trying to find out who is selling secrets. I couldn't help but fall in love with that sexy man. The ending of this short had me so frustrated. I needed more. So so much more.

  Revenge on the Rocks by Jenna Jacob

I loved this book. Not only does it have a strong woman who can protect herself but she also happens to have a younger lover. Gina owns the bar that everyone frequents. She has never thought about getting married again or fall in love again. Nate loves Gina he just isn't sure how he feels or if he will break his heart. I loved how Nate didn't push Gina but dang man you need to show that old woman that you will be here no matter what. I loved he was there for her whenever she needed him. Even when she wasn't sure of her feelings. This was a cute short filled with drama, romance, and craziness.

  Seducing Danger by Kennedy Layne

Landon, what a man, i loved how he was ready for whatever because he knew his competitor played dirty. He just never anticipated his father taking his safety into his hands. Kelli, what a woman, she is a woman after my heart. She will do whatever it takes to make sure Landon is taking care of. She does her job. I loved this short because it was short, cute, and to the point.

   Enforce Her by Isabella LaPearl

Rambler and Ella met under different circumstances only to meet again under life or death circumstances. Ella gas her secrets that Rambler needs to know if he is able to protect her. I loved Ella she is a strong woman. Yeah yeah i know she ran but she was protecting Rambler. Rambler what a man. I loved how he had his brothers to help out with the Ella situation. The code talk, yes, i loved how the author had that included it was awesome. When everything came out and situations go crazy I was on pins and needles. I loved the anticipation of it all. Not to mention the action and sexy time. I wish this book was full length I was hooked from chapter one.

  Executive Ink by Carrie Ann Ryan

I loved this short. It was a perfect addition to this series. If you haven't read any of them I highly recommend going back and reading them. Ash is such a strong woman. She is a perfect role model that I would want my daughter's to be. To bad you don't hear about the women like her in real life. It would change young women's views of themselves. Jax is a sexy man who cares with all his heart. His love for his little sister lead to him finding Ash. Now that was a cute and unexpected surprise. I do wish that they will get there own full length book.

I love each and everyone of these authors. A few are new to me, which I may or may not have bought a few of each author's books. Just don't tell my husband. This anthology was diverse and you got a little taste of everything. Not only is there amazing romance, sexy time, and intrigue but it also has strong women and even stronger men. Just amazing.