A review by claudiaamteixeira
Opium: Journal d'une désintoxication, by Jean Cocteau


"Wisdom is to be mad when circumstances are worthwhile"

"One more thing still delights me and takes me back instantaneously back to childhood: Thunder. A thunderstorm assured a house full of people, a fire, games,a day that was intimate without deserters. It is undoubtedly the old sensation of intimacy that governs the delight I feel when I listen to thunder"

A serious of different texts combined into what was meant to be a journal of a Cure to an Opium addiction, it is rather intriguing how we see the growth of the writer, his own personal growth as an artist. He portraits that any form of art, like drawing and writing can be an escape, it is a roller coaster for an artist, with the intensity to create and the worthless feeling when he can't create anymore.
It relies on important questions aside from the opium, question we even ask ourselves: what is individualism? what is self-expression? There's also the question of how opium improves or not an artist's work.
I've enjoyed every page from it, it is different, there's no narrative, there's just notes from his days battling to cure his addiction, and within those notes his pain is so imminent.