A review by toffiladyreader
The Animal Under the Fur by E.J. Mellow


Fiercest characters.
Incountable laughs.
Smartass conversations.
Action-packed scenes.
Amazing plot twists.
Hate-to-love relationships.

And one of the most amazing stories I've read so far this year.

This is what you will encounter in The Animal Under The Fur.

Let's talk about this beauty.

Meet Nashville/3.

One of the most badass female characters you can ever read about. The best OP you will ever find. Deadly, scary, she is the nightmare children pray it's not under their bed.
But she is also an abandoned child, raised in an orphanage with no family at all. No romantic attachments besides work.

Meet Carter.

Ruthless, handsome and playboy. Loves to have fun with girls in bed. Doesn't care about nothing or nodoby else.
But he is also a boy who lost his entire family and decided he would never rely on somebody else.

You can definetly tell these two are destined to cross paths and when they do... let's just say there is not any other relationship based only in hate and disgust towards the other.
And even worse, they have to work together for their agencies in order to find and destroy a weapon that could change the world.

During all the assigment, both Carter and Nashville taunt the other even till the point to wrestle between them. But, of course, there is something else that starts to appear and change their minds. While this happens, we learn so much about the past of both of our characters and why they act the way they do. This also helps the reader to connect with them (I loved them both but sometimes I enjoyed Carter's POVa little more).

For me, this story is awesome. Just by reading the prologue I was already hooked, I wanted to finally know who were this characters that the author has been taunting us for months. And boy, was I surprised. Everything is well narrated, the dialogues are funny and smart at the same time (I was laughing every five minutes that earned some stares from my family) and every chapter ends in a very intriguing way. You don't know what will happen, what will these characters do... and that's why I enjoyed both POV because it helps you to see different aspects of the novel.

To finish this vey long review, my final words are: GO READ IT!!! It's a very fun and entertaining read, full of twists and unexpected thoughts, both badass characters that will go to hell and back and, in the way back, they will find out that there is trust and love in this tained world.

Thank you so much to E.J. Mellow for sending me a free copy in exchange for an honest review.
And thank you for including Spanish words and a beautiful setting like Mexico, my beloved América Latina.