A review by scotcheroo
A Lady for a Duke, by Alexis Hall



If it wasn't audio I wouldn't have finished. As other reviewers say, this has a strong start but then I didn't really care for the plot involved Gracewood's sister. Having the sister was a convenient plot device for Viola and Gracewood to stay around each other given this is Englandtimes, but imo it should have ended there.

SpoilerViola used to be a man but during the war when she was injured (I think?) she faked her death and went to live in France to reinvent herself as a woman. She's now a ladies maid. Her former best friend Gracewood injured his leg during the war but also never got over his friend's death, he turned to opium. Viola helps him break his addiction, but they also fall for each other, Viola because she's known him all her life and Gracewood because he feels like he has. Gracewood suspects and Viola confirms that she used to be his friend. Gracewood admits that he's falling for her as Viola though and he wants to be with her. Viola warns him that she still has man parts but he's like k I don't care I just love you as a person (awww!).

That's really what makes this a good book. It's about loving someone as they are.

TheĀ  whole plot where his sister gets kidnapped by the man who wants to marry her is meh. Didn't care for it.