A review by lolasreviews
Shadow Bound by Rachel Vincent


I have no idea why I waited so long to start this book, one of the reasons was that I knew this book was going to be good. And I just wanted to keep this one on my shelf unread so that I knew I still had a good book to read. Then I was suddenly into the mood for a book with a dark world and decided to start this book. Well it was fantastic, I actually think this is the best series Rachel Vincent has written, because the plot is so good and there are so many twists and even though the world is very dark and gritty there are still those light moments, which mean even more in this kind of world.

Okay so the story is really one of the good points of this book. There are some plot lines that are predictable, but most of the times I just get surprised. Also it was so addictable, I just couldn't put it down, every time I wanted to stop I decided to read another chapter because I wanted to know what happened next. The last 100 pages are very fast paced and even though I wanted to go sleep, I wanted to finish this book more. The ending was a surprise and I can't wait to read the next book to see what is going to happen next, too bad it isn't releashed yet.

The characters are also done very well, the lead character, but also the side characters and even the bad guys. They are real believeable and we get a good idea who they are. I expected to like Kori, the lead character, but I did like her even more than I expected. She is a great character, while she is very strong and fights for everyone and everything she cares for, she also is broken inside. And Ian was great too, he is the perfect man for her. The relationship in this book is done so good and I loved it even more than the relationship in the first book. In this book the relationship is build up from nothing and they match perfectly and there is less "we shouldn't be together".

I love world building and even though this books world is really dark, I love the world building. Rachel Vincent has created an original world, with people who can shadow walk, track others with a blood sample and can bind people against their will. The world is great, it's believable and dark and gritty and it is worked out really well. It also is very different from most fantasy world and I love it.

To conclude: I loved this book, I think this is the best series Rachel Vincent has written.I love the story, the characters and the world building. Everything is worked out very well and believeable and I just wanted to keep reading to see what would happen next. I can't wait for the next book.