A review by arayofreading
The Novice by Taran Matharu


3.5 stars

(I'd just to put a disclaimer that I read this book at a time where I was very busy, and it took me FOREVER to get through it simply because I didn't have time for it. This probably affected my experience since there were large gaps of time that I didn't read it)

The first half of this book was a little rough for me. The development of the world was interesting, but frankly not enough to fully grasp and hold onto my attention. There's nothing really particular that I can pinpoint that it did wrong, perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for it.

The second half, though, picked up tremendously! We are introduced to so much more intrigue and conflict, both between the characters and throughout the world, increasing the stakes and making you actually feel nervous about the outcomes of certain circumstances. I loved learning about the history of summoners, elves, and dwarves, and of course, who can resist a magical school setting :)

Overall, I really like where the book left off, and I'm excited for the sequel!