A review by cuddlesome
Angels of Death, Vol. 1 by Kudan Naduka


This series is just good for your inner edgy thirteen year old who likes both the sad stuff in The Witch's House and the feel good stuff in Ib, honestly. It's very much a guilty pleasure thing because it's so over the top and in your face with its clunky themes, but dang it I like it.

Fair warning that this is based on an RPG and it really does read that way sometimes (e.g. "oh dearie me a puzzle how are we going to get ourselves out of this one"/"time to do some backtracking").

I like the art style in the manga a lot and would argue that it's the best when put up against the source material in the video game and the anime adaptation BUT I would probably recommend the anime overall because of the goofy voice acting (warning for a lot of cursing. A lot a lot) in the dub and the original.

Side note, there's a definite Anglophilic vibe that's kind of interesting (the characters are all definitely meant to be English/possibly American based on their names) in the same way that The Crooked Man series is definitely meant to have an American cast and appealed to Japanese audiences by having American voice actors.