A review by karen_the_baroness
Links by Lisa Becker


 I recieved this book as an ARC for an honest opinion from the author.

My take on this book: Links by Lisa Becker is another wonderful book. Ms. Becker is a wonderful author that can transport you into her stories, that once you leave you just want to hop right back into it to keep on living with the amazing characters.

Speaking of amazing characters, I felt like I was best friends with both Garrett Stephens and Charlotte Windham. Granted I probably felt more like a best friend to Charlotte more than Garrett but seeing from both sides of their perspective in this book made it seem like anyone could be friends with both of them.

Charlotte Windham is the main character, and the main female lead, of this book and she, is such a wonderful character. She makes you fall in love with her and want to be her best friend. The entire time of this book she knew about Garrett’s past of being a player back in high school and thought he was the same now that they are adults especially, due to the number of girlfriends that he has had. She also changed from what she looked like in high school but she never really got over her insecurities. She was still thinking that Garrett is the same boy that she had a crush on back in high school without realizing that he was doing things with her that he has never done with any of his past girlfriends at all. She took a while to figure out that she was worth his attention and love. It was wonderful to see her open herself up to those possibilities.

Garrett Stephens is the main male lead of this book and he is also such a wonderful character. At first, you hate him for not realizing that Charlotte is there in his house and then to also not recognize her when we are in his first perspective. He would be clueless if his sister didn't tell him. The further you get into the story, though, the more you realize that oh hey he isn’t that such of a bad guy. I especially liked when he wants to protect Charlotte from all the harm that has happened to her when he wasn’t around. He tries to protect her now from anyone that doesn’t want to say anything nice to her. I also truly enjoyed Garrett changing and trying to be a good person for Charlotte. It was like I was there watching the story unfold.

The copy I received had some mistakes here and there with words being in the wrong spot or the author’s editor made a change that wasn’t taken out before it was sent as the was an ARC copy. Besides those things, which weren’t bad enough to take me out of the book. The words just fixed themselves in my head.

I am giving this book a five-star review because it was totally awesome and I am still having a little bit of a book hangover over as it was that good.

Links by Lisa Becker was such an awesome book and I can’t wait to read another book by Ms. Becker. She is an outstanding author and an even better storyteller that makes you, at least for me, feel like you are a part of the book and hanging out with her characters.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.

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