A review by whiskeyinthejar
Echo Lake by Carla Neggers


I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

Vic is a retired ambassador and quite possibly losing his mind in his retirement. Phone calls that when answered there is no one there, items misplaced in his home, and a general feeling of unease. Adrienne, his housesitter for when he was away on work and now his wine expert and Heather, the woman in charge of renovating his home haven't noticed anything unusual but Vic is uncomfortable enough to call on Brody a DSS agent (Diplomatic Security Service) and friend. Brody grew up in the small town of Knights Bridge but left without looking back after an "incident" with Heather's brothers. Brody's not especially looking forward to being back but after a few meetings with Heather, he is starting to feel differently. As secrets, truths, and feelings get revealed our characters will learn a little bit about themselves while growing together.

First off, I have to say that my rating for this book fluctuated crazily as I was reading it, from 2 stars to 4 stars so my review may seem all over the place. Basically, I feel like the writing was high quality, interesting, and charming but I didn't read the story promised in the blurb. I wouldn't really call this a romance, mystery, or suspense; it probably falls under women's fiction or just general. In my synopsis I started with Vic, who is barely mentioned in the actual book blurb but this story is 80% about him. I commented in my notes how "in Vic's head too much in the beginning" before I realized he was more or less going to be the star of the show. Vic struggles over the decision to retire early, looking back over the moments of his life, and dealing with the reveal of a long held secret. Again, his character was interesting but not what I thought I signed up for.

This is fourth in a series and for the first couple pages I felt thrown into the story, as if I was suppose to know the characters and scene but after a few chapters I was able to nestle in. Echo Lake definitely offers a small town series feel, just be prepared for an overall feel instead of a focused concentrated interest on one main romance couple. It's not until the second half of the book that Brody and Heather show any sign of truly coming together and get any major screen time together. Even then, the process is pretty slow and except for a handful of paragraphs, this is basically a clean romance. Heather was the easier character to get to know as her family life (a little overwhelming and repetitive at times with the talk of her five older brothers) and feelings were discussed more. She came across sturdy and believable as a character but did not overly peak my interest. Brody was meant to be a stoic, still waters run deep, and man of few words, unfortunately, that was all I got from him as a reader. There weren’t enough pov scenes or screen time from Brody for him to become a prominent figure in my mind.

Even with all this said, I still found Brody and his, limited, interactions with Heather charming, which I have to put down to the author's writing style/voice and like I said, Vic was interesting if not a bit overdone with “someone’s out to get me” tangent. If you have read the previous books in the series and enjoy the author's writing then you will definitely want to continue with this one, past characters are sprinkled throughout and definitely some future ones. If looking for a comfortable mellow read and wanting to immerse yourself in the feeling of small town life with an open door into the life of an array of those town people's lives then this would be a good choice.