A review by aritrigupta
Where Dreams Descend by Janella Angeles


Firstly, I cannot digest the comparison of this book to the Night Circus, the latter was a dreamy, richly detailed narrative, while this was a potential gone to waste because of its word jumble as narration.
Secondly, I think it serves me right to have picked this up despite swearing off YA titles with catchy names. I deserved this disappointment.
And what a disappointment it was. The two stars are because I didn't DNF, and like I mentioned, it held potential, I felt that maybe on some page in this massive book, I will find some salvation.
I see this in some of the unfavorable reviews as well, and I do concur, that I don't understand the author's trap of setting the stage for book 2 in the first book, whilst giving no proper explanation to any of the questions, and no natural ending to that story. Each book has to have it's own story, and the author needs to have faith in her story and the readers for them to pick up the sequel. This book is a clear example of readers being arm wrestled into picking up the next book. I hate that.
The characters were one dimensional, and not one was likeable. I will leave it at that. It will take me too many words to describe what was wrong with Kallia (the name?!), Daron and Jack.
The depiction of feminism was exactly the type that causes misrepresentation and misinterpretation of feminism in the world. There was no world building, if we leave out the questions that were not answered. After having read 450 pages, I still don't know anything about the plot or the story, or the crisis. But I do know that I am OK with that.
I am not sure if the book needed better editing, or the author needed to recalibrate the narration, but this was simply a let down.