A review by misterfix
The Empathic Civilization: The Race to Global Consciousness in a World in Crisis by Jeremy Rifkin


So often we confront a world built on the seemingly foregone conclusion that humans are violent, aggressive, etc and thankfully Mr Rifkin has presented a cognizant, current and thoroughly researched refutation of this argument. He builds his argument starting with the simple yet unappreciated truth that at birth we are all connected, or desire and are nourished by human connection, ie. empathy.

If you are feeling cynical or perhaps the opposite, you are tired of defending your optimistic point of view then you must read this book. Here is an analytical defense of 'humanity' that will not only provide you with material to convincingly present your belief that a better future is possible, it will re-inspire you and remind you of why you believe this.

Other reviewers have written more eloquently than I but I did want to praise the book...