A review by emilyusuallyreading
Girl in Translation by Jean Kwok


What I Liked
I really enjoyed - and learned a lot from - this read. Since this book is apparently semi-autobiographical, I was so impressed by the resiliency, perseverance, and innovation of the Chinese-American immigrants in this story.

One of my favorite techniques of the novel was how Kowk writes English as heard from the ears of a girl who only speaks Cantonese. I struggled to glean what people were saying in my own language, and this helped me understand the perspective of an ESL student, possibly for the first time.

Friendships in the two different worlds were beautiful and intriguing.

What I Didn't Like
The ending wrapped up a little too neatly for me. I feel like it could have been fleshed out so much deeper, as the relationships were complex and so full all up until that last wrapped-up chapter.