A review by si0bhan
The Blue Nowhere by Jeffery Deaver


The Blue Nowhere is my fourth Jeffery Deaver read, and it has confirmed my belief that I will have a love-hate relationship with Jeffery Deaver’s work. My first Jeffery Deaver read, Mistress of Justice, was a big disappointment. Retrospect has me believing I was too kind with my three-star rating, yet at the time I was feeling generous and gave it such a rating because it promised potential fun Jeffery Deaver reads. My second Jeffery Deaver read, Edge, was much more enjoyable. I devoured Edge, finding myself addicted to the story and in need of more. My third Jeffery Deaver read, Speaking in Tongues, was another disappointment. Like my first book, I was generous with my three-star rating, yet it could have just as easily been a two-star rating if my mood had been different. At this point, I was questioning how willing I was to dive into more Jeffery Deaver – but with more of his books on my shelf (I brought a handful in a sale) I decided it wouldn’t hurt to give him another try.

From the very start, I knew The Blue Nowhere was going to follow the path of Edge. This story sucked me in instantly, and I found myself more than willing to keep turning the pages to see how everything came together. In fact, I found myself desperately turning the pages, so sucked in that I was willing to finish this story in a single sitting.

It was one of those stories that kept you guessing, throwing out a lot of information that left you with notions in your mind of what was to come. I worked out some, but not all of the details, and I loved the way things came together with this one. There was so much we got to watch unfold, so many elements to watch come together. The crime had me hooked, and so did the characters, leaving me more than willing to keep turning the pages.

That is not to say this book was perfect, but it was a really enjoyable read. I think the biggest issue I had with this one was in relation to the explanations. I know not everyone will understand all the computer speak that occurs throughout this one, but I feel as though some things were explained needlessly. This may be a reflection of this book now being a bit dated – I think we can all agree, people are better educated in regards to technology than they were fifteen or so years ago – or it could just be that Jeffery Deaver felt it was necessary to explain every single detail. Either way, this was the main thing that I had trouble with, but it wasn’t enough to stop my enjoyment of the story.

Overall, this was an enjoyable read. I’m hoping my next Jeffery Deaver read proves to be as enjoyable, yet a part of me fears the emerging pattern foretells of a less than enjoyable read. Whatever the case, at least I enjoyed The Blue Nowhere.