A review by herreadingroom
White Feathers by Susan Lanigan


This is a great book!
Set in the early 1900's and encompassing the First World War, it is the story of Eva Downey and her love for Christopher Shandlin, her teacher, whom she meets while at finishing school.
Amid the destructive and corrosive family dynamics between Eva, her stepmother and her step sister, Eva is emotionally blackmailed into publicly giving Christopher a white feather when he refuses to enlist. The ramifications of this act of betrayal are set to be shocking and far reaching - and Eva has little idea how much this act will alter the course of their lives forever.
The story deftly covers the sensitive and highly charged issues of that era - conscientious objection, sexuality, infidelity, shell shock, votes for women and the marital role of women.
My only negative comment about this book would have to be about the ending which I thought disappointing. The book seemed to end somewhat abruptly and all of a sudden when I felt the plot had lots more to deliver. Having said that, this in no way detracted any enjoyment from this brilliant debut novel. At times hard hitting and brutally traumatic but always vibrant and riveting, its characters credible and three dimensional.
Great story, brilliant plot and an excellent read! Highly recommended.