A review by jakekilroy
Batman: The Widening Gyre by Kevin Smith


Most of this first volume handles way too fast or way too slow. It's half a-new-criminal-every-night and half oh-my-god-is-Bruce-Wayne-finally-happy. This all happens while Batman is fighting his lesser-known wacky, almost silly, super-violent villains, such as Crazy Quilt (murderer of eye doctors) and Cornelius Stirk (eater of human hearts).

It actually feels pretty manic and unfocused or a lot of it, but the ending is so tightly-wounded and precise that it almost makes you furious (because now you have to eagerly await the second volume). I think I literally said, "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaat?"

The difference here is that there's a new crime fighter in Gotham that's helping out Batman (with a really dope mask, by the way...think cold-hearted pagan goat god). Also, the return of Silver St. Cloud as Bruce Wayne's epic love interest here is pretty unsettling, just because seeing Bruce Wayne that happy is peculiar, but rare, so it's ok. However, it's treated with an almost teenage misunderstanding and frivolous gossipy excitement. Shrug.

One thing that Kevin Smith can do better than almost any other Batman writer is place a solid joke. There were two or three times I laughed out loud, which Batman would straight up hate.